
Mark your Calendar!

Our next vestry meeting will be held on February 23rd after the Sunday service.

Music at All Souls

Paul teaches in Ephesians 5:19 that singing is evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit!
Please join our rehearsal every Sunday at 9:40am in the sanctuary.

Adult Formation & Bible study

Starting on January 8th, every Wednesday until Lent we will read together Adam Hamilton’s book : “Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith”

We have copies at church and you can also order it on line using this link

We meet at noon in the parish hall.
Feel free to bring your lunch!


We collect non perishable food items as well as toiletries for the food pantry of Brunswick Community College in Supply. Please leave them in the basket in the parish hall.

Check out our free little puzzle library in the Parish Hall!

Bring one, take one